

555 Uppsatser om Inter-rater reliability - Sida 1 av 37

Evaluation of four methods for the assessment of joint swelling in dogs

Evaluation of joint swelling is an important part of the orthopedic examination and can be used to follow a patient?s progress during rehabilitation and therapy. Usually a swelling is assessed by palpating the joint but a more objective, but still easy to use, method would be preferable.This study seeks to increase the knowledge in veterinary rehabilitation by validating four different measurement tools (three recognized and one novel) for the assessment of elbow joint swelling: palpation, tape measure (circumference and figure eight measurement), slide caliper (craniocaudal and mediolateral positioning) and tonometer. This was achieved by calculating the inter- and intra-rater reliability and correlating the results from the different measurements with each other.The methods with best inter- and intra-rater reliability as well as good correlation among themselves were shown to be slide caliper with craniocaudal positioning, circumference and figure eight. Additional studies, with a larger and more diverse material, ought to investigate these methods further..

Prövning av måttet Läpp-till-Lyft (L-t-L) på vuxna utan sväljsvårigheter

Context: Lip-to-Lift (L-t-L) is a bedside-method for measuring oral transit time at swallow. It was designed for a swallowing examination of persons on nursing homes where weight loss was noted in people with average L-t-L-time >5 seconds (Sandin, 2005). The measurement was validated and evaluated by Eriksson, Bremer Zerpe (2008).Objectives: The study objective was to examine L-t-L on a group of young adults without swallowing disorders and as to examine the inter- and intra-judgereliability of the measure.Questions:What is the L-t-L-time for young adults without swallowing disorders?Are there any gender differences regarding L-t-L-time?How high is the inter/intra-judge reliability of L-t-L?Method: Examination of L-t-L-time was carried out on 20 young adults, aged 19-27 years, without swallowing disorders after Sandin?s (2005) instructions. Measurements of 20 swallows per person were made.Results: The average L-t-L-time of young adults without deglutition-difficulties was 1.13 seconds (sd =.14).

Perceptuell bedömning av dysartri: jämförelse av detaljerad kontra övergripande analys

The aim of the present study was to compare two differenttypes of assessment of dysarthria to be able to conclude which methodmight be more suitable for use in research and in clinical practice.Five speech pathologists with extensive experience assessed 20different recordings of individuals with dysarthric speech using twodifferent forms, one more detailed and one designed for a more overallassessment. In the detailed form 30 aspects of voice and speech wereanalyzed. In the short form 5 overall aspects of voice and speech wereanalyzed. Six of the recordings were duplicated to serve forassessment intra-judge reliability for each form. The results show thatthere was a high correlation between the two forms and that theymeasures the same types of speech deviations although on differentlevels of details.

Interbedömarreliabilitet i affektavläsning - en explorativ metodstudie

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka reliabiliteten i en metod för att observera affektuttryck, Stålforsmetoden. Stålforsmetoden fokuserar primärt på affektuttryck i ansiktet, och mer specifikt den första affekten som en patient uttrycker under en psykoterapisession (?överföringsaffekt?). Den teoretiska grunden är affektteori som utvecklats av Silvan Tomkins och Paul Ekman. Data har samlats in med strukturerad observation och analyseras kvantitativt.

Bedömning av unga med eller i riskzonen för normbrytande beteende: En studie av ESTER-bedömnings interbedömarreliabilitet

Unga med normbrytande beteende löper en relativt hög risk för en långvarig negativ utveckling. För att förhindra detta krävs tidiga effektiva insatser som i sin tur kräver tillförlitliga bedömningsinstrument som identifierar risker och behov hos unga med, eller i riskzonen för normbrytande beteende. Just detta är syftet med ESTER-bedömning. Föreliggande studies syfte var att undersöka interbedömarreliabiliteten av ESTER-bedömning inklusive en ny kandidatskala för riskfaktorerna . Två oberoende bedömare genomförde ESTER-bedömningar på journalmaterial tillhörande 30 tvångsomhändertagna flickor, 15-20 år.

Normering av en objektiv metod för att mäta käkrörelser med 3D-videoanalys vid tuggning samt en jämförelse mellan käkens rörelseomfång vid tuggning och tuggeffektivitet hos unga vuxna

This study aims at norming a new objective method to track and measure jaw movements in 3D (three dimensional) during chewing in the young adult population (n=41, age 22-30). Norm values of the range of movements and the duration were calculated. Intra and inter rater reliability was high. Masticatory efficiency among participants was evaluated with a two-colored wax, analyzed with picture analysis software. Regression analysis was used to calculate the relationship between movement and duration variables and masticatory efficiency.

Stuttering Severity Instrument 3: Svensk översättning och utprövning

The main purpose of this study was to translate Stuttering Severity Instrument 3 and to evaluate its reliability and validity. Five speech-language pathologists assessed 35 adults who stutter with this assessment tool. Overall the results showed a very high inter- and intrarater reliability. A highly significant correlation between Stuttering Severity Instrument 3 and ratings of severity, made by the speech-language pathologists, strengthen the validityof Stuttering Severity Instrument 3. No correlation was found between the total score of Stuttering Severity Instrument 3 and the self-report measure Overall Assessment of the Speaker's Experience of Stuttering, whichindicates a lack of social validity in Stuttering Severity Instrument 3.

Tillförlitlighet för automatiska sprinkleranläggningar - en analys av befintlig statistik

In this report statistics concerning the reliability of sprinkler systems from seven countries has been analysed. The objective of the report has been to determine the reliability of sprinkler systems in Sweden and to present suggestions on measures to increase the reliability. The main conclusion that has been drawn is that the reliability of sprinkler systems in Sweden is 92 percent according to the analysis of Swedish statistics, and that this figure finds support in statistics from other countries. Further results are that the quality of design, installation, maintenance and inspection of sprinkler has to be improved and that the Swedish incident report has to be revised..

Ekonomistyrning i interorganisatoriska relationer

Background: Inter-organisational ways of working have become more and more common during the last decades. In order to attain efficiency and productivity, such inter-organisational relationships need to be governed and controlled. However, studies have shown that inadequate control is one of the main reasons for why inter-organisational relationships fail. One of the means that can be used for governing and controlling a business is management control. The use of management control in inter-organisational contexts is a quite unexplored area of research at the present time, which might seem somewhat surprising considering the fact that inadequate control is a common explanation for why inter-organisational relationships fail.

Logopeders bedömarreliabilitet vid perceptuell röstanalys av utvalda röstexempel : en början till ett referensröstmaterial

Vid användning av audio-perceptuell röstanalys för framtagning av referensröster är begreppet reliabilitet av central betydelse. Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka reliabiliteten mellan erfarna röstlogopeders perceptuella röstanalys av ett antal utvalda röstexempel. Förhoppningen var att utifrån detta kunna sammanställa en början till ett referensröstmaterial bestående av manliga och kvinnliga referensröster representativa för olika parametrar i SVEA-protokollet. De specifika frågeställningarna var: Hur samstämmiga i perceptuell röstanalys är bedömarna kring de valda röstexemplens olika parametrar? Är någon eller några av de parametrar som bedömarna är överens om extra framträdande i någon röst så att denna röst kan användas som referensröst? Utifrån en databas med 65 röstinspelningar valdes 15 röstexempel ut av författarna att skattas av sju erfarna logopeder med SVEA-protokollet.

Utprovning av SWITCH, ett svenskt förståelighetstest för barn

SWITCH- Swedish Intelligibility test for children, is a test thatmeasures intelligibility of children's speech through repetition of singlewords. The test is computer generated and consists of 1000 word listsrandomly selected for each assessment. The purpose of this study was toexamine the equivalence, reliability and validity in the word lists. Word listswere tested on ten children with typical language development (N group)and ten children with speech deviation (T group). The children were audiorecorded when they repeated two lists.

Klassificering och värdering av finansiella instrument : Ett tillförlitlighetsperspektiv

During the financial crisis voices were raised towards the regulatory framework IAS 39 recognition and measurement of financial instruments and pointed out that it was inadequate. The complexity of the framework contributed to the fact that it was difficult to apply. IASB accelerated the modeling of the new to be regulatory framework IFRS 9. In this study we will focus on the reliability of accounting information, which is an important aspect from the stakeholder?s point of view, for example, to be able to make the best decisions the accounting information should be proper.

Samarbete - lek med mening : multiprofessionell interaktion och meningsskapande

The intention of this study was to create an understanding of how multi-professional interaction could convert into inter-professional collaboration, which takes advantage of and acknowledges the individual professional identity. The intention was to understand the meaning of collaboration through the study of meetings between professionals who use different symbol systems. In particular, we wanted to study inter-professional interaction from a symbolic interactional perspective with a focus on Self, Identity, Symbols, Meaning and Professional community. The employed method was semi-structured interviews with ten questions. A convenience sample was used to identify working groups composed of different professions, such as teachers, social workers and therapy assistants.

Effektiv prestationsmätning : en studie av prestationsmätning i kund-leverantörsrelationer

Background: Performance measurement as a management control tool has received considerable academic attention. As the number of inter-organisational relationships, such as customer-supplier relationships, increases, there is a new scope for performance measurement as a management control tool. In order for a company to assess the effectiveness of its supplier relationships it has to define, measure and evaluate variables that are critical for the success of the relationship. The role of management control, and thereby of performance measurement, has increasingly been discussed in theory. However, empirical research in this area is still somewhat limited.

Problem vid fastställandet av verkligt värde, tillvägagångssätt och tillförlitlighet i fastighetsvärdering

This thesis aims to examine problems that occur when determining the fair value of investment properties. It also takes into consideration the reliability and relevance of the reported fair values on behalf of the key stakeholders. The study has been conducted by interviewing representatives at real estate and external valuation companies. The study shows that there is a need for assessments in the valuation process and that real estate companies have room for their own interpretations. The conclusion is that determining fair value is an estimate, not a fact.

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